How many videos and exercises do I receive?
The course consists of 11 modules. Each module has two to seven learning videos of each between one and a half to six minutes. In addition there are 2-4 exercises for every module that allow to transfer the introduced concepts to real life.
The videos are short and precise. You will receive a lot of detailed information in a short amount of time - only several minutes per video. The exercises will enable you to further dive into this complex material.
What does the participation in the basic course of TA entail?
With your subscription you will receive the complete basic course TA package in the form of videos and exercises. It consists of 11 learning modules.
Furthermore you will get access to a closed group forum where you can receive answers to your questions revolving around TA. After passing the exam (exam module), you will receive a certificate (TA-101 certification) that is acknowledged by all official TA-associations worldwide. This document confirms your successful participation in this skill enhancement course in communication and personal development and you can show it, for example, to your employer. Moreover, it is the first step towards a more profound knowledge of and education in TA.
When participating in the basic course TA you will have lifelong access to all contents and to the facebook forum. You are welcome to ask questions about TA at any time, even after you have successfully passed the exam and received your certificate.
How many times can I rewatch the contents?
You will be learning independently, i.e. when and where you like, as often and as long as you want. Once you are registered, your user profile gives you lifelong access to all contents. There is no given time frame for performing the exercises or watching the videos. You define your own learning rhythm.
How long does the course take?
This depends completely on you. You learn as much as you want at any time you want to. There are no set dates or times frames. We calculated with around 1 to 1,5 hours to work through each of the 11 modules. It is possible to finish the course within one single day or you do it at a slower pace of one hour per day and you will be done in two weeks. It is up to you.
How long is the final exam?
We estimated with around 5-7 hours for going through the test - depending on your individual speed. You can take the exam at the time of your choice - split into several parts or the complete test in one go, it is up to you.
What kind of exam are talking about?
The exam is all about applying what you learned. It is an open-book-exam meaning that you can consult all the material and notes you have during the process of the test. The International Transactional Analysis Association (ITAA) developed questions that combine comprehension and reflexion. The exam consists of 10 questions that mainly test the transformation of the presented concepts to your own person (Example question: Using an example of your own, describe the various elements of the racket-system.).
The test is not about putting pressure on you. All exam questions are available to you from the beginning of the course and you can take as much time as you like answering them - how you prefer it.
When and where do I do the exam for the TA 101-certificate?
You can take the test at a time and place you choose yourself. You can do it in handwriting (please write with clear handwriting) or with a text software (e.g. Microsoft Word). You will find a test template in word-format in the exam module. If you prefer handwriting, it is necessary that you digitalize your answers, e.g. by taking a photo of the pages with your smartphone. Afterwards please send the pictures to Jürg Bollinger via e-mail. He checks your answers and issues the TA 101-certificate.
Which methods of payment are there?
In order to guarantee payments with highest security standards, we work with the German payment service provider “Elopage”. This operator offers a variety of different payment options:

You can find Elopage’s terms & conditions as well your right of withdrawal here.
What does the “60-days money-back-guarantee” mean?
After buying the course, you can start learning TA with the offered module in your user area. If you are in any way not satisfied with the course’s method, you will get your money back - no questions asked. We guarantee this for 60 days after the purchase of the course.
How do I access the contents of the course?
All contents, i.e.videos, texts and exercises, are available to stream online or download through our online platform. You can access your user area with any internet-ready device. The exercises are available a pdf-files. You can print them or read them on your computer/smartphone/tablet and perform them on a separate sheet of paper.
You will receive a printed paper certificate after having successfully passed the course. It will be physically sent to you to any place worldwide, mailing expenses are already included in the course fee.
The course works on which devices?
Whatever the device - PC, tablet, smartphone etc. - all you need is a stable internet connection and you can start learning TA. You simply have to log into your user account with your access data and immediately start. Alternatively you can download all contents and learn offline.
The videos or pdf-files do not work on my computer. Why?
In order to watch the videos, the application Vimeo has to work properly. For this, the Adobe Flash Player is required. You can download it here.
In order to open and read pdf-files, you need a pdf-reader, e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can download it here.
Can I also attend the course from my country?
Of course! You can take this course worldwide, wherever you find connection to the internet. The course is available in German or English. The certificate in paper will be sent to you to any place worldwide.
How do I get the certificate?
You will receive a digital certificate via e-mail immediately after we have reviewed your exam. In addition, the paper certificate will be sent to you worldwide.
What possibilities do I have to further develop my knowledge in TA after having passed the basic course?
The 101-certificate you will receive from us, enables you to participate in any TA-course worldwide. The next concrete step could be a 3-year basic training in TA in order to become a TA consultant.
Methods used
Video modules
You will learn the concepts of TA through descriptive and friendly videos. They will be explained and put to practice through real-life examples.
With practical and reflection exercises you apply the concepts to your own environment and experiences. This facilitates the integration of the concepts into your life. At this point of the course already you may find constructive solutions to your current personal and professional challenges by applying the concepts and methods learned.
Summaries will give a brief resumé of the concepts.
Graphics will visualize the concepts.

Final exam
You will show your gained knowledge in the final exam. It is mainly based on reflecting about the learned and how it can be applied to your own life.
Evaluation of the final exam
You will receive direct feedback on your exam and with this valuable impulses for your future development.
After successfully passing the final exam you will immediately receive your electronic certificate. We will also mail the physical certificate to you in the following days to any place worldwide.
The certificate is acknowledged by the national and international TA-associations.